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Everything sparkles inside us as a goal moves to completion.

Yet, there can be so many ways that block our way to achieving hopes, dreams, and goals. They enter our space, bursting our sparkling enthusiasm with their negativity about life’s possibilities. After dosing the flame, they leave us struggling to regain our life spark.

When this happens, as it does to all of us, there is always a lingering smoking ember.


To live a life in crescendo means reviving that smoking ember into a spark, fanning it back to life.

Each of us must have a fan to revive the flame.  For me, that fan is music.

Listen to this song ‘Embers’, where aspirations are a fire inside us.

Consider what is necessary to fan your ember back into flames.

Tend the embers of your passion, no matter how barely warm they may be.

Never let the fire of your dreams die.