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As I posted here last week , every blogger hopes to have interested readers because we believe we have something unique to share.

Yet, there are two sides of blogging:

As a blogger and as a reader.

Why do readers read blogs? What do I as a reader want from a blogger?


Just like all written text, there are genres, appealing to diverse ages. There are bloggers who inspire me to reach out, who make me laugh with their quick wit, or who move me with their stirring narratives.

Sometimes, a blog post manages to make me feel several emotions, simultaneously.

Actually, personal bloggers frequently do this.

Most bloggers write on the often divergent facets of their lifestyle and personality, which makes their blogs refreshing, thought-provoking and stimulating.

Which is why I prefer following personal blogs.

I relish reading a personal blog that makes me consider their intriguing perspectives on life. Frequent bloggers quickly reveal their character and personality. Making it often easier to become virtual friends than in my ‘real’ world.

Blog reading is in some ways even better than reading a book. While a voracious book reader, I appreciate the ability to instantly continue the dialogue with a blogger, instead of a solitary internal dialogue with a book author. Plus, I am able to dialogue with other readers of the blog.

Just like any medium, following a blog broadens my life experiences through immersion482903_541864135837782_1908901758_n into another’s life, albeit momentarily. So, I follow an eclectic assortment of personal blogs. While each typify their specific enthusiasm and life motto, all make me laugh, cry and reflect on life.

As more bloggers join the on-line community bottledworder’s posts, including Quality vs Quantity, address several vital issues on blogging, including frequency.

But, unless a blog I subscribe to posts every day, I couldn’t say if they post alternate days or weekly. It doesn’t matter to me.

What matters to me as a reader is whether it is worth my while.

Worthy of my time.

Following a blog defines the cliché that the world is indeed shrinking. The virtual world is not limited by my physical ability to connect. The potential walls of distance, language and culture fade as we bloggers united in and through our mutual sharing. There was a time when the increasing proliferation of multimedia generated frequent mutterings about the impending irrelevance of writing and reading. However, the quiet revolution of blogging certainly makes jest of that muttering.


As a blog reader, I appreciate this momentum of collective blogging narratives.

It is creating a cornucopia of well-lived, and increasingly thought-filled, well-blogged lives, shared with us- their captivated readers.